Cozy Indoor Activities to do With Kiddos

Guess what time of year it is!? Sweater weather and early indoor evenings. Whether it’s crafting up a storm, having a movie marathon, or embarking on an exciting science experiment, we’ve put together a few ideas to make your chilly nights a little more cheerful.

Create your own Harry Potter Wizard Wand: You need chopsticks, hot glue, and metallic acrylic paint. Decorate one side of your chopstick with hot glue. Use your imagination! Once it’s dry, paint your chopstick with your desired metallic paint. Once dry, you will have your very own custom wizarding wand to practice your enchantments.

Indoor Picnic: Turn on your favorite seasonal tunes and lay a blanket on the living room floor for an indoor picnic. Add some pillows for comfort, and let the kids help prepare some simple snacks or sandwiches for this cozy cuddle. Prepare some silly questions for the kids and enjoy some laughs.

Make a Mini-Hovercraft: You need a balloon, an old CD, a dish soap bottle cap, and a hot glue gun. Hot glue the cap to the center of the CD, cap side up. Slip the balloon over the cap for a tight seal and fill it with air. Set down and watch it hover and float around the floor.

Reading Corner: Create a cozy reading nook with blankets and pillows. Spend time reading books together or let the kids explore their favorite stories. Find your favorite pastime tales and share them with the family.

Board Games and Puzzles: Turn electronics off for the evening and gather around the table for a game night. Let everyone pick their favorite and decide on the winners. If your family is competitive, create a chart of who wins each game to have all the bragging rights at your weekly wars.

Movie Marathon: Choose a theme and have a movie marathon night. Heat up some kernels on the stove and enjoy a cozy movie day together on the couch.

Baking Session: Get your kiddos excited and connected with the food they eat. Let them help measure, feel, get dirty and have sensory fun while baking sweet treats together. There is nothing better than seeing their excitement to lick the batter off the spoon.

Indoor Campsite: Build a fort using blankets, pillows, chairs, couches, or whatever you can find! Turn out all the lights and use flashlights to tell scary stories while drinking hot cocoa.

Dance Party: Put on your favorite tunes, turn out the lights and have a dance party in the living room amidst the holiday-lighted glow. It's a great way to burn off that energy and stay active indoors.

Start an Herb Garden: If you have indoor plants, involve the kids in watering and caring for them. Start seeds any time indoors for a fresh herb garden year-round, saving you money at the store and fragrance your home naturally.


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